LadyPimp in Onstage_1 asks:
How was it working with Bow Wow on the Scream Two Tour?
Lil Fizz says:
That's like our little brother and we have a ball everyday whether it's playing video games, playing ball, or just laughing.
B2K_Girls in Onstage_1 asks:
What other artist are in some of your songs from your new album Pandemonium?
Lil Fizz says:
It's just us.
Blazin_Dyme_Mami in Onstage_1 asks:
How y'all change for this album? I think yall gotta a lil freaky on dis one. lol. I'm jus bein real but what cha think?
Lil Fizz says:
We wrote ten of the 16 songs on the album. This album is just B2K and our experiences.
Brianne2004 in Onstage_1 asks:
Do you think any of ya'll would have any single albums in the future?
Lil Fizz says:
As of right now, we're not sure. We're just focused on this album.
Virtue03 in Onstage_1 asks:
Do you guys plan to go to college?
Lil Fizz says:
Yes, definitely.
Fizzluva4eva1 in Onstage_1 asks:
What musical artists do you guys look up to?
J-Boog says:
I would say Michael Jackson and IMX. We listen to all types of music, but those are the biggest influences.
VesperTeen24 in Onstage_1 asks:
Whats it feel like to have sooooooooo much luv from your fans?
J-Boog says:
It's a feeling that words can't explain. It makes you weak in the knees that all these people love what you're doing.
Ci2i_2k1 in Onstage_1 asks:
I am trying to get in the business. What is your best advice that you give for people like me?
J-Boog says:
If you're still in school, stay in school, continue your education. Not everyone makes it in the music industry, but you'll want to enter all talent contests, and just keep on movin.
baby_x_sweetness in Onstage_1 asks:
What do you do before you go to sleep?
J-Boog says:
I pray. Sometimes I fall asleep before I pray because I'm so tired, but I pray and thank the Lord for every day and my career.
nike17boy1 in Onstage_1 asks:
On 106 & Park you all said that you were working on a movie. Could you tell us about it?
J-Boog says:
Its called "Crazy House." We were getting ready to shoot that movie and it was put on hold because of the release of the new album. It was B2K in high school and Omarion was a Freshman playing on a Varsity team.
B2K says:
Then we had to deal with trying to get into the older club, and things get all messed up.
HesitantMoonChick in Onstage_1 asks:
Christmas is coming up! Anything special you guys are wishing for?
J-Boog says:
Actually I bought myself my Christmas present, an SL 5000 Mercedes. Other than that would be for our album to do good.
RazB_NUMBER1_SweEtiE4u22 in Onstage_1 asks:
What do you guys miss the most about your hometown?
J-Boog says:
Just being with our families and going to store that I've been going to since I was 5 years old and hanging out with my friends.
b2kzlilmama in Onstage_1 asks:
J-Boog, what is that black necklace with the little silver charm on it that you wear around your neck all of the time?
J-Boog says:
That's St. Christopher. I'm Catholic and St. Christopher is a protector.
angels2180 in Onstage_1 asks:
What is your favorite song in your new CD?
J-Boog says:
My favorite song is "Boys For Life" and it talks about what it took for B2K to get to this point, doors being slammed in our face.
B2kshorty3 in Onstage_1 asks:
How did you all hook up up Puffy?
J-Boog says:
Our manager and the president of Epic all came together and came up with the idea that we should do a feature on "Bump, Bump, Bump" and P. Diddy heard it and wanted to do a rap on it and we went from there.
BelovedJenn in Onstage_1 asks:
Are there any artists that you would like to work with in the future?
J-Boog says:
We'll like to work with Missy, and it looks like we'll get the chance with the remix of "Bump, Bump, Bump.
dieo14 in Onstage_1 asks:
What is the craziest thing a fan done for you guys so far?
J-Boog says:
I don't know how she got in there, but this girl was waiting for us in our dressing room and she was hiding in the shower. We went in the bathroom and she was in there and we were all like, "Oh my God!!"
spicy177 in Onstage_1 asks:
Where is your favorite place to perform?
J-Boog says:
Certain cities for certain reasons. I don't have a favorite. Depending on the mood, I'll go to a certain city, I don't have a number one city I go to.
Simplyjusleelee1600 in Onstage_1 asks:
Do ya'll think ya'll have changed since you've became famous?
J-Boog says:
I don't think we've changed but things in our lives have changed. The ability to walk where we want to walk without security, that's changed.
J-Boog says:
We've been warned by our brothers not to change. (laughs)
Smylie7456 in Onstage_1 asks:
Are ya hosting TRL anytime time soon?
J-Boog says:
Yes, I think on the 11th.
RazB_NUMBER1_SweEtiE4u22 in Onstage_1 asks:
Is it true you guys will be having a Pandemonium tour in the spring?
J-Boog says:
Actually the summer, starting in June.
DeMariobabygirl954 in Onstage_1 asks:
Are there any actors you guys would like to work with?
Omarion says:
I would want to work with Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry.
Fizz_Kitten in Onstage_1 asks:
Do you have any favorite songs right now?
Omarion says:
One of our favorites called "Boys For Life" and it's so special because we wrote it and it's talking about our struggle being together.
B2Kfan0142 in Onstage_1 asks:
Omarion, who is your celebrity crush?
Omarion says:
My celebrity crush is Chilli from TLC. I know she's with Usher and everything. (laughs)
lilfizzshoney in Onstage_1 asks:
Besides sleeping what do you do on a day off from work?
Omarion says:
I just got a new car so I'll be trying to get my little roll on. I'll be trying to drive.
MZ_GHETTO_MEME in Onstage_1 asks:
OK so what are your plans for X-mas and is there any special ladys ya'll have in your life and are ya'll inviting friends over for X-mas as well the holiday?
Omarion says:
We have the day off for Christmas, but the only special ladies in our lives are our mothers and grandmothers.
Caramel_Dyme06 in Onstage_1 asks:
Omarion, whats a fav movie thats out right now?
Omarion says:
YES! My favorite movie is "Lord of the Rings."
LadyPimp in Onstage_1 asks:
What do you want for Christmas?
Omarion says:i think i want you LadyPimp (laughs) i think i just want a warm blanket and family.
LadyPimp in Onstage_1 says:Really (laughs)
Omarion says:
I mean, I know I'm going to be home for Christmas, but to be able to wake up and be with family and be all warm, that's what I want.
J-Boog_RomeosChick2 in Onstage_1 asks:
On your DVD's House of Blues and Introducing B2K which one do you think you were more like yourself?
Omarion says:
The House of Blues one.
chocolate_boom in Onstage_1 asks:
Who chooses the girls to be in the videos? And how can I be down, 4 sho?
Omarion says:
Usually the director or casting director.
JBoogsDelight in Onstage_1 asks:
What's your most memorable moment as a performer?
Omarion says:
The last day of the Scream Two Tour, we had been on tour for three months and were used to everyone and at the end we realized we weren't going to be seeing each other, so we were all kind of sad.
Jennifer7896 in Onstage_1 asks:
Omarion, was that you in the crown of "House Party 4?"
Omarion says:
(laughs) Oh yeah. That was me.
Princess_Mimi14 in Onstage_1 asks:
When did u know you wanted to perform?
Omarion says:
About the age of 4.
lilfizzshoney in Onstage_1 asks:
What is your goal in this music industry?
Omarion says:
To change the way the music is, to have longevity and to be one of the groups that is remembered as a legendary icon.
chichi68871 in Onstage_1 asks:
How does it feel like to be the oldest of the group? Do you feel like an older brother?
Omarion says:
We all have equal respect for each other. We're all pretty smart and mature.
B2k1fans1 in Onstage_1 asks:
What is your oldest memory?
Omarion says:
I don't know how old I was but I had to be maybe one. I took my pictures and I was wearing a blue hat and my hair was buzzed down.
Princess-Mickey in Onstage_1 asks:
Do you all plan on taking time off from your music to attend college, or do you plan on trying to juggle them both at the same time? I Love You Guys!
Omarion says:
Most definitely, we're not going to juggle both, but where we're at in our career we want to take advantage of it, then I'll go to college..
Boogz2Fyne in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B says:
LOVING_FIZZ_PONYTAIL in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B what was it like being in the Thanksgiving Day Parade?
Raz-B says:
Very very fun, and cold. (laughs)
seliņa in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B, are you shooting any videos in your hometown? If so when?
Raz-B says:
No time soon. Probably the next time will be in January.
fizzgurl617 in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B, is that you singing the first verse in Tease?
Raz-B says:
LiLFiZziSiT61914 in Onstage_1 asks:
Whats the sweetest thing you've ever done 4 a girl?
Raz-B says:
Probably took her some roses. Twelve white roses and one red rose.
B2K says:
White roses for friendship and the one red rose for love.
LilRican213 in Onstage_1 asks:
What the sweetest thing a fan has ever done for you ?
Lil Fizz says:
Outside of waiting a week in this chatroom for us, of course.
Raz-B says:
I don't know, probably showing up to one of our events really early. All of our fans are great, so that's kind of hard. Our fans are always giving us cool gifts and saying sweet things. All of our fans are great.
Monae_AKA_PinkThugMisses in Onstage_1 asks:
What was the last CD you bought?
Raz-B says:
The Tupac album.
Brianne2004 in Onstage_1 asks:
Whats your favorite song on the album?
Raz-B says:
"Sleepin" and "Boys for Life."
LadyPimp says:
Raz-B is singing the song for us. . .(laughs)
LadyPimp says:
I like the way you sing. . .
Raz-B says:
(singing) Heeaay!
jalissa_w in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B says:
For this album to be successful.
-(D)- in Onstage_1 asks:
What was it like in the studio creating pandemonium?
Raz-B says:
It was really fun because we had so much influence. The label was just like, "Do your thing." And we did everything. (laughs)
B2KizHot33 in Onstage_1 asks:
When did you and start doing the "water trick"?
Raz-B says:
We started doing that on the tour last February.
LadyPimp says:
What is the water trick?
Raz-B says:
The water trick is when take our shirts off and pour water on it and slap our chest really fast to the beat.
PrissyStace in Onstage_1 asks:
Is being famous as hard as they say it is and would you give it up?
Raz-B says:
Depending on how big you are. B2K is big, but we're not big big like Michael Jackson, so it just depends on how big you are.
Aussie_Angel71 in Onstage_1 asks:
What`s it like being able to live your dream?
Raz-B says:
It's a blessing. I'm sure there are a lot of other talented people out there that would love to be in this position, so it's an honor and I'm happy.
YaMomma in Onstage_1 asks:
Doesnt that water trick hurt?
Raz-B says:
No, it's cold. Very cold.
ghettochick489 in Onstage_1 asks:
Have you ever forgotten some of the words to the songs?
Raz-B says:
All the time. Every video, every concert. (laughs)
dat_ladi16 in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B says:
My personality.
Daphne_16 in Onstage_1 asks:
Raz-B, have you wrote a song of the new upcoming album?
Raz-B says:
We wrote 10 out of the 16. We wrote together.
miagurl18 in Onstage_1 asks:
I love your music, but I get hated on for being an older fan. How do you feel about having older fans? Do you care?
Raz-B says:
We want everybody, and we're happy. That's honest.
B2ksh0rtii2 in Onstage_1 asks:
How old were you guys when you had your first kiss?
Raz-B says:
I don't remember, I was young. Under the age of 8.
LadyPimp says:
B2K says:
LadyPimp says:
Next question! (laughs)
LILFIZZGIRL08 in Onstage_1 asks:
Was it hard trying to write together?
Raz-B says:
No, it's not hard. It's easy to write it all together because it's four people thinking about it. One says, "Baby you look real good," and then we decide if it will work and someone else will come up with something like, "You called me tonight."
LadyPimp says:
You guys are nominated for two AMA's which will be awarded in January. What did it feel like to be nominated?
Raz-B says:
That is an honor. For your peers and the boards to recognize you, that's an honor. Everyone wants to win but to be nominated means people are thinking about you. We have two for AMA and two for Billboard.
LiLFiZziSiT61914 in Onstage_1 asks:
Whats your most embarrassing moment while performing?
Raz-B says:
Probably messing up on a step.
InfantineDyme773 in Onstage_1 asks:
What do you do to get ready for a show?
Raz-B says:
Jump around, pray, and stretch, warm up my vocals.
LadyPimp says:
Raz-B, guys, thanks for talking with your fans tonight from around the world!
(including me)
B2K says:
We love you, thank you for coming, enjoy the new album. Luv ya! Oh Yeah and LadyPimp we love you, too.
LadyPimp says:
Best of luck with "Pandemonium" From all your fans